2. What would you do diferently if you had the opportunity to do it over? I would be more precise in how I hung and labeled my work, and I might have considered doing something to change the gallery space in some way because I didn’t really take any risks. 3. If you had unlimited time and resources, what else would you have done to complete your show? I would’ve included some sculptural/installation pieces and murals-I have ideas to do these sorts of things but just haven’t had the space, time, or resources to do them. 4. What was the overall value of this experience for you? It made my work feel somewhat more worthwhile, showing my work from the last 3 years made the work more valuable to me because I had more of a reason/goal for having created it. 5. How could this process be enhanced for future Art 5 students? I don’t think there is any way to enhance it necessarily. I think the shows are whatever the students are willing to make them. However, since other students in the class have to be placed in shows of up to five people, which limits their ability to maximize their shows success, there could be a process to assigning shows that doesn’t involve everyone being garunteed a place such as an application or a minimum limit of finished pieces. Maybe this way students who are really committed to having their shows would have priority. 6. What means did you use to promote your show, and how might you have promoted the show even better? I used posters, post cards, and a video advertisement. I could’ve advertised better with the video but I faced some setbacks there 7. How do you feel about the labeling system you used for the work on display? It could’ve been improved, but it also wasn’t a huge priority for me and I personally don’t mind that my labels were not perfect 8. What setbacks did you have to face, and what could have been done to remedy them? I had setbacks with my advertising because the newsroom staff had trouble playing my announcement. First they lost my video, then forgot to play it, then blew a circuit and broke all of their computers so I lost 3 days of possible advertising. The situation was pretty much out of my control, but I could’ve possibly been more assertive about the problem. | |